Cold Coffee
Cold Coffee Are u a coffee lover? Regularly visit coffee shop to have a nice chilled cold coffee? So this is for you, now no need to visit coffee shop you can make your own Cold Coffee. I’m going to share with you two kind of cold coffee with ice cream & without ice cream. Ingredients: Full fat Milk- 2 cup (boil then chilled) Instant coffee powder- 3 tsp Warm water- 2 tbsp Sugar- 3 tbsp Chocolate souse- 5 tbs Chocolate shredded- 2 tbsp Chocolate ice cream- 1 big scoop Vanilla ice cream- 1 small scoop Blending jar Method:- .Take a nice looking glass add chocolate souse & refrigerate it for 1h it will help to stabilize the souse. .Add the coffee powder to the warm water & mix it .It will help to mix the coffee into the milk. .Now add sugar to this mixture and whisk it with the help of a frock, until it forms a creamy & fluffy mixture. . Take chilled Milk in a blending jar. .Add sugar & coffee mixture, chocolat...